Increase Your Face Value

A large portion of what we do here at DFD is focused on guiding the growing face in the right direction. An overwhelming number of children in today’s population develop habits or other limitations that can disturb normal programmed growth. This is why some children develop severe crowding once their permanent teeth are in. At DFD we not only focus on recognizing these disturbances and educating the patient but also guiding the growth of those who have gotten off track due to these issues. If the growth can get back on track during the prime developing years (6-9) sometimes the need for braces can be avoided all together. If your children have fallen behind and are out of the prime facial development years, no worries, the growth can still be caught up and a proper face and smile is still very achievable. Some common habits or issues that can cause aberrant or irregular growth in your child’s jaws include: thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, irregular swallowing, grinding, and many others. Set up a consult today if you have noticed any of the above from your child at home. 

Growth guidance is so important in our practice philosophy that it deserves a more in depth explanation. Studies show that between 80-85% of humans have an underdeveloped maxilla (top jaw). Growth guidance is basically getting the patients jaw growth back on track in order to avoid the negative facial and dental effects that come from altered growth. The primary function of growth guidance treatment is to remove the environmental forces (epigenetics) that caused the growth to lag behind, so that the child can fully express their genetic potential. With the negative environmental forces removed, the patients top jaw is allowed to grow normally and extend forward. The lower jaw follows suit on its own and the patient not only has a better smile and facial form but can breathe better (more room in the airway) and avoid poor esthetics, TMJ or sleep issues. Growth guidance is achieved with myofunctional therapy (retraining tongue and lips) and through the use of appliances developed with cutting edge technology. For more information about treatment click the link below or call us for an in office consultation. And just to be clear, this treatment is not solely for use on children, adults can benefit also.

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